10 Pairings We Need To See On “Celebrity Bromance” ASAP

10 Pairings We Need To See On “Celebrity Bromance” ASAP

Friendship is a beautiful thing, but friendship between idols and actors who are so crazily busy is an even more beautiful thing. It almost makes them seem like normal human beings who actually have some spare time to spend with the people they love.

And what better opportunity for us fans to get a glimpse of what their bromance dates look like than a bromance variety show? So, PDs of “Celebrity Bromance,” listen up! We have some suggestions for you,

This list could probably go on forever. What BROTP did we miss? What pairing do you want to see more of? Tell us in the comments!

daisygonzo has escaped European small-town life and is currently trying to fight the Seoul summer heat. The battle isn’t going too well. Also choosing the header image for this article was one of the hardest things she ever had to do. Check out her Instagram for more.