Former Co-Ed School Member Cha Joo Hyuk Receives Prison Sentence For Drug Use And Drunk Driving

Former Co-Ed School Member Cha Joo Hyuk Receives Prison Sentence For Drug Use And Drunk Driving

Former idol-turned-actor Cha Joo Hyuk has been ruled guilty of violating drug laws and also causing a serious car accident after driving under the influence of alcohol.

During his final hearing on June 22, the Seoul Central District Court gave him a prison sentence of 18 months.

Cha Joo Hyuk apologized for his illegal behavior, saying, “I usually can’t even drink one glass of alcohol, but I began drinking while trying to stop drug consumption. I was having a rough time and even ended up causing an accident.”

The court stated, “Drug-related crimes lead to severe punishments if addiction or negative social influence are involved. The defendant was previously prosecuted for drug use, but he proceeded to smuggle marijuana. He smoked and injected various drugs, so we can’t call this a light crime. Even after he was fined 1 million won (approximately $870) for drunk driving, he caused a car accident.”

Cha Joo Hyuk has admitted to his crimes after cooperating with investigations, and he will be going through drug rehab regularly.