Lee Je Hoon Adorably Expresses His Love For Fans And BewhY

Lee Je Hoon Adorably Expresses His Love For Fans And BewhY

Actor Lee Je Hoon appeared on the June 25 broadcast of MBC’s “Section TV” to promote his upcoming movie “Anarchist from Colony.”

During the show, it was revealed that Lee Je Hoon just couldn’t reject his fans whenever they asked him to take pictures with them. “I might not see these fans ever again. That’s why I always agree to take pictures with them,” he explained.

He also talked about BewhY, who recently filmed a music video collaborating with “Anarchist from Colony.”  Lee Je Hoon expressed, “I really like BewhY. I couldn’t even approach him so I just watched him from the back. It was fascinating [to see him].”

The actor was eventually able to approach BewhY and said, “I’m a huge fan. Thank you for sparing your precious time.”

How cute is that?