“Produce 101 Season 2” Trainers Write Messages Of Support For Trainees After Finale

“Produce 101 Season 2” Trainers Write Messages Of Support For Trainees After Finale

Following the emotional finale of “Produce 101 Season 2,” the trainers that guided the trainees on their journey spoke up about their experience on the show.

Along with BoA, who was the national producer representative on the show, the trainers for “Produce 101 Season 2” were Kahi and Kwon Jae Seung (dance), Lee Seok Hoon and Shin Yoo Mi (vocal), and Cheetah and Don Mills (rap).

Finally, Shin Yoo Mi posted a picture of herself with Kang Daniel, the trainee who took the No. 1 spot during the finale, and Takada Kenta, who she revealed was her “pick” during the show.