SK-II’s New Film “The Expiry Date” Addresses Age-Related Pressure Women Face

SK-II’s New Film “The Expiry Date” Addresses Age-Related Pressure Women Face

What defines you as a person? Is it your educational background, how much money you earn, or how proudly your parents can talk about you to their friends?

For many women around the world, who they are is defined by their age or marital status. Despite much progress past the stigma, if a woman is single and in her 30s – without a partner, without a family – she is still looked upon with concern, an unnerving reminder to us all of the societal pressure to have achieved something by a certain age. We all live as if there is a schedule to our lives and checkboxes to tick off as we head towards a age that society defines as “too late.”

Through a short film, titled “The Expiry Date,” global skincare brand SK-II showcases the unspoken timelines society places on women and their struggle with internal and external pressure to meet the “deadline.” By transforming the proverbial expiration date many women feel into a literal one, the film aims to spark a conversation around the age-related pressures women all over the world may face.

So what defines us as a person? Or can we decide for ourselves?