STELLAR Talks About Their New Song And Reveals That Their Wish Is To Go On “Weekly Idol”

STELLAR Talks About Their New Song And Reveals That Their Wish Is To Go On “Weekly Idol”

In a recent interview, STELLAR discussed their new song “Archangels of the Sephiroth,” and talked about a wish of theirs for this comeback.

For their comeback, STELLAR opted for a unique, goddess-like concept. The music video for “Archangels of the Sephiroth” has a peculiar storyline surrounding the Sephiroth Tree, or the Tree of Life. Junyool described, “I think [the music video] is singular in idol music. It feels quite unconventional, but we created a special performance incorporating current K-pop and modern dance.”

She went on to say, “We hid a secret code for the story in the music video, and our fans are completely absorbed in solving them. We feel like we’ve gotten closer to our fans.”

It is notable that STELLAR returned with an additional member, Soyoung, which is a rare decision for a seven-year girl group. The members have a positive outlook on the addition, conveying that they feel like their stages look more complete.

New member Soyoung also expressed her excitement for her debut, saying, “I feel like I’ve gained a great support system by joining an experienced group. I’m learning faster and more easily.”

STELLAR also revealed a simple wish of theirs for this comeback.

Gayoung explained, “We want to be on JTBC’s ‘Older Brother’ or MBC Every1’s ‘Weekly Idol,’ even as an extra to another team. Especially ‘Weekly Idol,’ since almost every idol appears on it. It’s a symbolic show for idols, so we really want to be on it as a seven-year group. It’s our wish.”

STELLAR even practiced dancing to a 2x fast version of their song, which is a famous segment on “Weekly Idol.” Junyool said, “Since we can’t be on the show, we made a video ourselves and uploaded it for our fans. We want to show our abilities and charm even if it’s in this way.”